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FAQs are where we answer Questions posed by customers. Its the gateway to our knowldge repository and public resources.
Can you take our existing systems and make them perform the way your uses want them to?

In short, YES.  The biggest barrier to system performance, after poor coding, is sytem IO.  In the past we have seen disk arrays and SANs that deliver upto 18,000 IOP with demands on IO sitting at 100K to 200K IOP, so everything slows down and CPU is occupied managing wait on IO.


HGST introduced PCI Flash storage to solve this problem, with arrays delivering upwards of 1.5M IOP.  In hours we can transform the performance of your biggest nightmare and for far less than you may think.  

HGST Flash can also be used to create RAC high availability databses with exceptional performance without the need for a SAN. Cards from server 1 can be presented as shared sorage in servers 3, 4 and so on using Infiniband, 1, 10 or 40 Gig Ethernet.



Our Backups are failing with Data Block Corruption errors. 

Errors in file g:\oracle\product\10.1.0\admin\hrprd\udump\hrdev_ora_196.trc:ORA-01578: ORACLE data block corrupted (file # 1, block # 57371)ORA-01110: data file 1: 'G:\ORACLE\PRODUCT\10.1.0\ORADATA\HRPRD\SYSTEM01.DBF'


What can you do to fix this problem?


The answer is a little beyond this FAQ, so what we have done is to assemble a full workshop that allows you to create data block corruption and then fix it using RMAN and SQL-Plus.

Please download the workshop document and post any questions or improvements you feel we could make on our contact us form.

You can find the workshop in our Blog section of this site. 

Can you find the root cause of our users system performance complaints?


Yes.  Locating what is causing your performance problems is a process.  Oracle publish a comprehensive Wait Events stack that can be used to firstly identify where the largest bottle knecks are and then trill through to the exact code generating your problems.  From here there are a number of techniques that can be used to resolve these issues, some of which are described in detail in the workshop notes abailable here for download.

Contact PCS on,
24 x 7: 61 (0)411 248486
Tel: 61 3 9563 8261
     : 61 3 8795 4969


4/31 Fiveways Boulevard

Keysborough 3173

03 8759 4969

Capability Statement


Tel: 61 3 8759 4969

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